
126. Ghosting the Waiwhakaiho walkway

126. Ghosting the Waiwhakaiho walkway

Out with some Scottish friends under a brilliant moon – the best since 1993 – we legged a good stretch of the Waiwhakaiho walkway, on the New Plymouth outskirts. Having noted this viewpoint along the way, it was surprising how long it took to re-locate it on our return. On the wild uplands of Tibet […]

124. Suburban evening, no. 2

124. Suburban evening, no. 2

Low-flying cloud on the outskirts of New Plymouth accompanies this uncommon perspective from a high point near Barrett Domain. Running the beam over this attractive specimen from a steep ridge nearby, I spotted another outline in the background. Although deceased, the second tree adds depth, twisting the perspective further – mostly we look up at […]

123. Silhouette in gold, Back Beach

123. Silhouette in gold, Back Beach

You can boost minimal moonlight by using its reflection for a silhouette – another way to employ the wan light of a slender moon. “Moonlight photography” for me means not photographing the moon itself (another subject entirely), but rather making pictures by its light. The term is freely abused by amateur photographers. For a sharp […]

122. Autumn evening, Ngamotu

122. Autumn evening, Ngamotu

North Taranaki this week has been clear and mild for night photography by the  crescent moon. These slender new moons might give only the feeblest of light but if you can see your shadow by them then there is enough for moonlight photography! Nature also provides some magnifiers for moonlight, the best being its reflection […]

121. South Taranaki dusk, in spring

121. South Taranaki dusk, in spring

NEWS: The above image is one of about 50 of mine which have just been published in a free ebook of quotations by Hannah Samuel, public speaker, author and mentor, of Auckland. The Pocket Book of Men’s Wisdom, Volume 1 is a compilation of quotes from Kiwi men associated with Big Buddy (www.bigbuddy.org.nz), a mentoring […]

117. Mixed motifs after dark

117. Mixed motifs after dark

Out for some night photography, you’d think that the simple equation of dark = dark at least ensured you had plenty of time to set up your masterpieces as you came upon them. That is, without finding the common daylight problem of something changing your scene. Alas, so often this is not the case! Of […]

116. Suburban evening, New Plymouth

116. Suburban evening, New Plymouth

Once again my title doesn’t really do this justice. The pleasantly secluded location borders Barrett Domain in Westown, on the western outskirts of New Plymouth. I have climbed up to this pastoral corner many times, having first discovered it on a sunny summer’s evening in 1976, when the grass was really long and my model […]

115. Crescent moonset, with Venus

115. Crescent moonset, with Venus

This took around 15 minutes at a small aperture, on Fuji slide film. It was a perfect summer’s evening at Paritutu Centennial Park, and I spent the interlude chatting with a friend. I’m only guessing that the stripe is Venus, but as she often accompanies the early moon it’s a good bet. For trails like […]

111. Power to the rock

111. Power to the rock

An industrial landscape at night; how lens choice affects star trails

110. Moonrise from Puniho, Taranaki

110. Moonrise from Puniho, Taranaki

Golden orb on the shoulder of Mt Taranaki, from the National Park boundary.

108. John and Ilona by moonlight, Te Rewa Rewa

108. John and Ilona by moonlight, Te Rewa Rewa

Long exposure outdoor portraits: problems and solutions

104. Stony landscape, Taranaki

104. Stony landscape, Taranaki

A low angle on the plain and a karaka grove; company and constraint

102. Stony twilights, Taranaki

102. Stony twilights, Taranaki

Uncommon natural lighting with an extra touch

99. Moonlight multiplicity, Te Rewa Rewa

99. Moonlight multiplicity, Te Rewa Rewa

Self-portrait in gumboots, in a daylight effect; multiple personas using layers

86. Moonlit cemetery, western Taranaki

86. Moonlit cemetery, western Taranaki

Graveyard in white and the mountain in grey; a harmony of moon rays and lingering daylight

80. Rotomanu evening contrasts

80. Rotomanu evening contrasts

Twilight use of flash; subtlety, instantaneity and their opposites

75. Blue note at Oakura Beach

75. Blue note at Oakura Beach

After midnight, the search for illumination continues, in a translucent sort of way

74. Moonstruck coast at Oakura

74. Moonstruck coast at Oakura

Silver surf and f16 on the beach; handling difficult focus by using a small aperture

71. Stockyard gate at night, Koru

71. Stockyard gate at night, Koru

Using flash with moonlight; square format composition

70. Rapids at the tidal limit, by moonlight

70. Rapids at the tidal limit, by moonlight

The fall – and rise – of water over 2 minutes; unusual soundtrack of a cascade silenced

68. Moonlit shipping, Taranaki waters

68. Moonlit shipping, Taranaki waters

Shipping signature from the beach below Paritutu; exposing for highlights with a high moon

66. Maude Road mountain moonlight, Taranaki

66. Maude Road mountain moonlight, Taranaki

Monochrome peak-and-pines at a road end; composition and the continuing lure of square format

65. Round Rock by moonlight, Back Beach

65. Round Rock by moonlight, Back Beach

Night magic in sepia; much longer exposures using a Pentax 6×7 as second camera

64. Urupa gateway, by the half moon

64. Urupa gateway, by the half moon

Decorative arch and summer peak from Surf Highway 45; working by the westerly early moon

62. Venus from Te Rewa Rewa bridge

62. Venus from Te Rewa Rewa bridge

An inspiring new structure, after dark; noise, scale and safety

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Barney Brewster – NZ Landscape Photographer

Based in Nelson, Barney loves to capture the New Zealand landscape, mostly through long exposures at dusk or after dark.

